·         What kind of beans?
·         Social Sciences
·         Embraces subjective nature of making knowledge
·         Don’t want to remove the researcher from it
·         Acknowledge the researchers impact on the data.
·         Being transparent- acknowledging that you’re a human with ideas and being okay with letting people judge your work.
·         Feminist, Critical –
o   Social Constructionism – There isn’t knowledge to be found. We construct meaning based on interaction with data and the world.
·         Narrative Thick Description to describe what happened
·         “truths”- context- time, place, what’s going on

·         How many beans?
·         Science
o   ex: medicine
o   raw data
·         “Objective”
o   Remove the researcher from the research
§  Trying to eliminate bias
§  Don’t want to impact the data themselves
·         “Rational Man” approach to research
·         A systematic approach to research
·         “The Mind”
·         Mind Body Dualism- the mind and the body are two separate things
·         Can you separate the mind from the body?
·         Mind & brain = same thing??
·         Positivism
·         Numbers, Stats, Charts
·         “Truth” -