I went into that conference, for lack of better words, shitting my pants. I didn't know how I could possibly grade myself when I felt like I was doing awesome in some aspects of the class and not so well in others. Trying to balance four other classes on top of being an education major (which for all you ed majors, you know what I'm talking about- FIELD, UNIT PLANS, TWS, 504) it's not easy. Don't get me wrong, this is by far my favorite class, and I'm not just saying that to hold my grade. I feel like this class is exactly what college kids need- creativity. Sabatino Mangini encourages us to put all of our creativity into our work and be confident with the outcome and even our writing process. This class has proven to be a journey; an emotional journey. I have learned more about myself and my capabilities since I walked in that door in September.

During our conference we discussed everything from my blog posts, to my Twitterive, to my website as a whole. I left feeling more accomplished than I have in my entire life. Knowing my grade now just makes me want to work even harder to keep it. It was not at all what I expected the conference to be. I proposed my concerns with my blogging and Professor Mangini agreed. That was no surprise but he gave such wonderful words of encouragement, it only made me want to work harder. Hearing that someone likes my project filled me with joy. I don't think I've ever been so happy. I've spent my whole life trying to find a place where I felt like I belonged. I finally feel like I made it. I know where I'm supposed to be. I know what I'm capable of and I know what I need to do to accomplish my goal. I can now cross a few things off my bucket list- 1.) Touching an audience with my work. 2.) Possibly publishing my work. 3.) Making Momma proud.

Overall, as a whole, the conference went well. Before I walk out of this class next month, everything is going to be perfected. My website will be professional and well-maintained. This will continue to be an ongoing process and I plan to use this for the rest of my college career and possibly after.