I am still speechless after today's class. I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. I realized today in presenting, that there is no harm is telling my story. There should be no fear of what others may think. If I can help at least one person smile through tragedy, it was all worth it. I came out of this workshop knowing the changes I can make. I believe I will constantly be altering this twitterive. Just like Jeremy's life, this project isn't over yet. As long as I have his memory, I can always add to this. I can't express how happy it has made me to be able to work through this project and come out feeling stronger with the entire class beside me. I feel like we have turned into one big family. I'm not afraid to open up and show emotion. What made me even happier, was the feedback from everyone. You guys got it. It's one of those things where I sat down to write and just felt defeated. I struggled putting the words down and bringing back the days that changed my life so much. I struggled letting the wall down that I have had up for so long. Once I got going I let it all out. I held nothing back and it was a humbling experience for me. I feel like this has become a new day for me. A time for change to really move forward with my life but remembering that he will always be right beside me.

As far as the rest of the presentations went, I was amazed. I was worried that mine wouldn't measure up and I still feel that way. The topics today were displayed beautifully.

Diane- What can I say? I loved it. I still love it. I think it's powerful and sad and funny all in one. I think you pulled the perfect amount of satire into your work to just make it pop. The pictures are AWESOME. I think they describe perfectly the emotion in your story. Overall, I think you really did an awesome job and I know you'll continue to revise and add things to just make it even better!!! My boyfriend and I sat on his couch Monday morning when I wasn't feeling well (and stranded there- sorry Sab Man) and read your Twitterive. He loved it also. We talked about it for the last couple of days as I continued my Twitterive process. I'm proud of you :). You are doing fantastic work and I absolutely love your writing style.

Fabio-  I love the idea of your Twitterive. I can see in your nervousness how much Carmen meant to you and your family. I really like the idea of your connection between Carmen and Christmas. Maybe you should use Shannon's song- Sleeping At Last by Snow  (http://www.songlyrics.com/sleeping-at-last/snow-lyrics/) :). Overall, my advice to you- have confidence!!!!! Your work has such potential if you just dig deep. I truly believe you have it in you. I want to know who Carmen is. I want to hear something from HER voice (another genre). I really think it would give your twitterive that UMPH that I'd love to see from you!! You can do it! Believe in your work!!!

SMPARRY- You are so darn creative. I love it. I never would have thought of something like your twitterive. Your music choices are phenomenal and I literally teared up when you played your dance video. I think you are so talented and it shows in your work. I'd love to see you show us in a different genre for the What is Sids. You do great work!!! :):):)

Cant wait to see everyone elses projects!!!!!!!!!
While writing my Twitterive, I decided that I wanted to replicate the conversation I had with a girlfriend of mine when I found out Jeremy was dead. I searched and searched and talked to friends with Iphone's about changing my name in their phone to make this work... Instead of going through all of this, I googled how to FAKE text and I came up with ifaketext.com . I followed the directions:
1. Enter a name
2. Choose a carrier
3. Enter a conversation
4. Create Screenshot.

NOTE: If you want to have the cell phone say a certain time, you'll have to wait until that time to do this.

Hope this helps :) If anyone has any questions, let me know!
1)      WHO are the characters in your story?
    The main characters in my story are myself and a dear friend Jeremy Ramirez.

2)      WHAT is your story? WHAT genres/modes are you using for your story?
    My story is a compilation of memories of a friend who was tragically killed in a motorcycle ago, this time last year. I  will be using many different genres for this story, including; a found poem; personal narrative; photo montage; two-voice poem; missing persons ad; thank you card; letter; wordle; recipe *other than food; and a six word story (possibly). As I continue writing and creating my twitterive, I continuously add different genres.

3)      WHEN does your story take place?
    My story takes place in the past; August 2003-October 28th, 2010.

4)      WHERE is your place?
    My place, as of right now, is a place of loss.

5)      WHY do you feel a connection/lack of connection to place?
    I feel a connection to this place because I am terrified of loosing my memories of him. Jeremy was such an influential person in my life and in creating who I am today. If I lost this connect, I would lose him all together- and I'm not ready for that.

6)      HOW do you show your audience your connection/lack of connection to place?
    I show the audience my connection to this "place" through my choice of genre and emotion. Everything about this twitterive is real, from the phone conversation, to the time he cheated on me and I forgave him and our friendship only grew stronger from that moment on. My love for this person exceeded that of any other emotion I have ever felt in my life. He was what I like to call, "My soul-mate best friend". If I called him in the middle of the night because I was drunk at the bar and needed a ride home, he would be there as fast as he could. If I felt like I had lost control and my life was spiraling downwards, he would be there to pick me up. The bond I had with him is unexplainable but through this project, I can find peace and comfort in the memories that I am left with. His memory will live on and I will show my audience this.
Oh what i wouldn't give to ride in that old truck with him again #twitterive

are you living up in the sky? #Twitterive

And loosing him wouldn't be so bad if heaven wasn't so far away.

I wanna make you smile, Whenever you're sad. Carry you around when your arthritis is bad. All I wanna do, Is grow old with you #Twitterive

The last hug we shared is stitched in my brain #twitterive

getting my mind off reality by soaking up this knowledge #twitterive

Nothing goes as planned Everything will break People say goodbye In their own special way #Twitterive

can't believe how fast my life is moving. is this real?! #twitterive #happy

All of my windows are broken but I'm standing on my feet. #Twitterive

go on and try to tear me down. i will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper. #twitterive

loving apartment searching with #boyfrend! #twitterive

Nothing goes as planned Everything will break People say goodbye In their own special way #Twitterive

    I have put some serious thought into this project. Up until a few days I had absolutely no idea where I was going with this. It wasn't until I realized what date is quickly approaching; the one year anniversary of a dear friend's death. I found myself tweeting song lyrics and they usually revolved around him. My place is a place of loss. From these song lyrics I have compiled a list of ten songs that correlate with ten memories of Jeremy. I will be using ten different genres to reveal the memories of our friendship. I will be using a few pieces that I have written in the past along with new ones to give the audience an idea of what a special person Jeremy was to me and how the loss of his life affected the people in our lives.


Technology played a huge part in this project. I was able to look at other people's parts to match mine up with theirs. It helped to create unity within the class and gave us the upper hand in creating the uniqueness of the assignment. It also helped by giving me the option of browsing through other interview questions on the internet!
Figuring out my character was pretty easy. Maybe I could even want to be a reporter. I guess I screwed up a little bit by not interviewing Jackson Stone yet but IT WILL BE DONE. I saw myself as the type of reporter you see on television asking a sports star questions about their love life. I guess I watched enough America's Next Top Model to know how to interview someone.
1.      Jackson Stone, I understand you may not be who we think you are according to People’s Magazine Muscle Issue. Would you like to explain to the world who you really are?

2.      With a hard to believe record of 73-1-1 with 23 Kos, do you think this will even be a challenge for you?

3.      Mr. Stone, it seems it has been quite some time since your last fight, are you sure you are ready and able to perform to the best of your abilities towards such a tough opponent?

4.      How do you feel about going up against a female opponent with a record like hers?

5.      Do you think your tough upbringing, with your parents abandoning you and leaving you to arm wrestle your way through the streets, made you the fighter you are today?

6.      There have been a couple speculations about your use of human growth hormones in your career, can you confirm or deny this?

7.      How are you preparing differently for this match to win the WRT2 title back?

8.      Does being lactose intolerant have any effect on your performance?

9.      If you win this match and reclaim your title, is that the last we will see of Jackson Stone?

10.  Winter of 2014 comes the Olympics, do you have an plans to bring the gold back home  from Russia?

11.  Are there any last words you wish to say to Black Jack before your match?

12.  And my last question for you Jackson Stone, is this time for realsies?

This wine tastes so sweet. Drunk.

Gay man shoes lead to promotion. 

Jeffery. Time out. Long board stolen. 

Oh my god.  FORGOT HER FACE!  

Nineteen parts vodka, splash of lemonade.